![]() End-off meeting: the project resultsLe 23 Mars 2015
More than forty people were attending the end-off meeting, held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 in Cherbourg, France, to discover the results of the work carried out during the RECIF project. After exhibiting all project deliverables, partners have followed one another to present their results on the materials used and on the environmental monitoring realized. It was also an opportunity for participants to know the details of the immersion of artificial reefs in the Seine Bay. Two round tables on the topics "What materials for artificial reefs" and "Role of artificial reefs in the Channel area" were carried out around the choice of materials depending on the type of application and benefits of artificial reefs. By late afternoon, a tour of the LUSAC laboratories was organized for those interested.
Download the presentation of
the oral communications:
![]() End-off Meeting: registration opens!Le 19 Février 2015
The RECIF project end-off meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 9:30am to 5:30pm in Cherbourg, Normandy.
now for free!
This meeting is open to all. Feel free to disseminate the invitation.
To register, please, follow the link below:
![]() Discover the first project results presented at the Mid-Term SeminarLe 02 Octobre 2014
The French and English speaking audience was particularly interested in the results of the mechanical and environmental monitoring of submerged materials as well as the technical aspects related to the manufacture and the installation of artificial reefs in the sea. Later in the afternoon, the attendees enjoyed a visit of the National Oceanography Centre of Southampton, the most important one in the United Kingdom. Discover the first project results: 01- Mid-term seminar – overall presentation 02 - Welcome to Southampton 03- Presentation of the project - ESITC Caen 04 - Development of materials - ESITC Caen 05 - Marine ecosystem identification - PML 06- Colonisation process in mesocosm and subtidal area - University of Caen Basse-Normandie 07 - Danish wind farms as artificial reefs - Antony Jensen 08 - Benthic organisms colonization in intertidal area - University of Caen Basse-Normandie 09 - Impact of artificial reefs - University of Southampton 10 - Analysis of raw materials - University of Exeter - ESITC Caen 11 - Production and immersion of artificial reefs - TPC - EMCC 12- Development of AR in MRE parks: perspective of an energetic specialist - Rémi Castéras ![]() RECIF Project Mid-Term SeminarLe 22 Juillet 2014
RECIF project mid-term seminar will be held on Wednesday, 24th of September 2014 from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm at University of Southampton (UK). Along the day, stakeholders will discover or rediscover stakes and goals of the RECIF project and will be informed on results obtained at mi-term of the project.
AGENDA 9:30 am – 10:00 am Welcome coffee 10:00 am – 10:15 am Welcoming address from University of Southampton 10:15 am – 11:35 am Overview of the RECIF project and results at mid-term (1/2) 10:15am-10:35am Presentation of the RECIF project Dr M. BOUTOUIL, Project leader, ESITC Caen 10:35am-10:55am Development and design of materials Dr N. SEBAIBI, ESITC Caen 10:55am-11:15am Marine ecosystem identification Dr Joana NUNES, Plymouth Marine Laboratory 11:15am-11:35am Monitoring of the colonisation process in mesocosm and subtidal area Prof. P. CLAQUIN, BOREA, University of Caen Basse-Normandie 11:40 am – 12:00 am Danish wind farms as artificial reefs Dr. Antony JENSEN, Senior Lecturer, University of Southampton, and Expert on artificial reefs 12:00 am – 12:30 am Questions & Answers
12:30 am – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:10 pm Overview of the RECIF project and results at mid-term (2/2) 1:30pm-1:50pm Benthic organisms colonisation in intertidal area A. FOVEAU, M2C, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie 1:50pm-2:10pm Colonisation and ecosystem impact of artificial reefs Dr K. COLLINS, University of Southampton 2:10pm-2:30pm Monitoring of the colonisation process in the Bay of Saint Malo Prof. P. CLAQUIN, BOREA, University of Caen Basse-Normandie 2:30pm-2:50pm Microstructural analysis of materials T. SAWYER, University of Exeter, H. CUADRADO, ESITC Caen 2:50pm-3:10pm Production and immersion of artificial reefs V. MOUCHEL, TPC company, M. AUZAS, EMCC company 3:10 pm – 3:30 pm Development of artificial reefs in marine renewable energy parks: the perspective of an energetic specialist Rémi CASTERAS, Environmental and technical manager, Wpd Offshore France 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Questions & Answers
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Tour of the National Oceanography Centre (NOC)
The seminar welcomes as well people interested in shell byproducts valorization and the improvement of the Channel’s ecosystem, as professionals involved in construction sector, building, public and maritime work.
Free mandatory online registration to be completed before Sunday 14th September 2014. If more than one participant of your organization will attend the seminar, please, make one registration per participant instead of one per organization.
LOCATION University of Southampton Building 2 – Lecture Theatre 02/1039 Highfield Campus University Road Southampton – SO17 1BJ
CONTACT (France) Stéphanie LE BOULANGER Research & Development Engineer ESITC Caen - FRANCE Phone: +33 (0)2 31 46 23 06
CONTACT (UK) Dr. Ken COLLINS Senior Research Fellow University of Southampton - UK
![]() RECIF Conference on artificial reefs: Bulletin #1
ESITC Caen and partners of the RECIF project invite you to participate in the ‘RECIF Conference on artificial reefs: from materials to ecosystem’, being held in Caen (Normandy, France) from 27th to 29th January 2015.
This conference will gather researchers, industrials and stakeholders to highlight research and case studies about artificial reefs within the following topics:
- Artificial reefs engineering construction materials and infrastructures (concrete, steel, rocks, reuse of seashell by-products...) - Artificial reefs design, engineering and biotechnology - Environmental impacts of artificial reefs - Scientific and environmental monitoring of artificial reefs - Management of artificial reefs - Case studies / pilots - Social and economic aspects of artificial reefs - Artificial reefs as ecosystems and in ecosystems Abstracts and paper proposals respecting one of the topics listed above are invited to be submitted now and until the 16th May 2014.
More information on the RECIF Conference, see the “Conference” section.
![]() 10th CARAH conferenceThe 10th International conference on artificial reefs and related aquatic habitats (CARAH) took place in Izmir, Turkey from September 23rd to 27th 2013. Dr Ken Collins, professor and researcher and Dr Antony Jensen, lecturer at Southampton University, both presented the RECIF project on this occasion, explaining the main issues involved, its objectives and actions. They spoke to an audience of experts and industry professionals from around the world working in artificial reefs. These international conferences have been organized every four years since 1974 (Houston, USA) and almost 2,000 participants attend each edition. Researchers, scientists, engineers and company directors are all invited to make presentations, participate and in particular, exchange on the use of artificial reefs in order to develop and improve marine resource management and protect the natural environment. Summaries of the conferences given during the 10th CARAH in the ‘Submitted extracts' section at the bottom of the page of the congress web site: http://10thcarahturkey.org/ ![]() RECIF project kick-off meetingRECIF project kick-off meeting « Reuse of marine shell byproducts in concrete artificial reefs » Friday, 4th of October 2013 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at ESITC Caen, Campus 2, 1 rue Pierre et Marie Curie in Epron (France). 9:00am - 9:30am Welcome coffee 9:30am - 9:45am Welcoming adress and introduction : Hélène Grimault-Duc, Director of the ESITC Caen (School of civil Engineering) and Laurent Beauvais, Head of the Lower Normandy Region 9:45am - 10:15am Conferences on the challenges of artificial reefs. Dr. Antony Jensen, Senior Lecturer at the University of Southampton, UK and Expert in the field of artificial reefs and Frédéric Martareche, Technical Director Seaboost Structure, EGIS group 10:15am - 11:15am General overview of the RECIF project, partners introduction, objectives, actions, budget... Dr. Mohamed BOUTOUIL, Research Director, ESITC Caen 11:15am - 11:45am open debate 11:45am - 12:00am Closing session 12:00am - 1:30pm luncheon cocktail 01:30pm Tour of the labs of the ESITC Caen The kick-off meeting welcomes as well people interested in shell byproducts valorization and the improvement of the Channel’s ecosystem, as professionals involved in construction sector, building, public and maritime work Free mandatory inline registration www.esitc-caen.fr to be completed before Friday 20th September 2013 ![]() Approval for the RECIF projectThe RECIF project was approved in April 2013 by the Joint Technical Secretary for INTERREG IVA projects. The project, in its preparation phase since September 2011, is coordinated by the ESITC in Caen and includes 7 other partners from around the department of La Manche: University of Caen Lower Normandy, the companies TPC and EMCC, the Natural National History Museum, University of Southampton, University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Selected by the European cross-border cooperation programme INTERREG IV A France (Manche) – England, co-financed by ERDF funds and supported by the region of Lower Normandy, this extensive project represents a budget of 2,763,259.56 €. The collaboration between project partners and co-financing bodies started at the first Steering Committee meeting on July 10th 2013. This event was the occasion for everyone to get to the heart of the project, not only on a technical front, but also concerning the financial and administrative aspects of the project. For more information on the project and its partners, go to the pages on ‘the RECIF project' and ‘Partners' |